We are a society of “GO GO GO.” People want their information NOW, and they want it in any format they so choose. This is especially applicable to the internet realm, including your eBooks.
Think about the publishing industry. They offer hardback, paperback, electronic and audiobook versions. Sure, they don’t all come out at once, but the public knows that one of those formats will be available at any given time. So, if they don’t like the hardback version, they can wait for the paperback version. If they don’t want a physical copy at all, they’ll simply wait for the audiobook version and so on.
Just like in blogging, where we can either write a blog post, embed a video, or create a podcast, we need to shake things up with our eBooks.
Don’t get me wrong, I love eBooks! I love that I can just download it and read it on my Kindle, iPad, Nook, computer, or smart phone. However, sometimes I’d really love to be able to listen to it, instead of read it.
Listen Wherever
I can retain information better if I hear something, rather than read it or vise versa, which is one of the reasons why when bloggers post up a podcast, they also translate it for those who don’t want to listen and have the time to read.
So why haven’t we turned our eBook’s into audiobooks?
Why don’t we give our fans and potential clients the option to HEAR it as well as read it?
Of course, I don’t expect you to adhere to every whim of the customer’s voice. However, in this type of scenario, it would be a wise move to give them more options to hear your invaluable advice.
Think about how popular music is. You could be tapping into the market of people who have their headphones constantly attached their ears.
For instance, here are a few ways we can listen:
cleaning the house
on a road trip,
to and from work
and so on.
The amount of time that I have to listen is drastically higher than the amount of time that I have to read. Not to mention, in audiobook format, you can now offer it on iTunes, which has a huge market.
So when thinking about your eBook, treat it as any other marketing technique and offer it in audio format to reach an even larger audience.
Also, I practice what I preach. Here’s the audio version of this blog post:
Click Here to Listen to this post!
*Right click and ‘save as’ to hear or simply click to open in your browser.