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1996 vs. 2011 – The Internet, Yesterday & Today [Infographic]

The Internet Yesterday And Today

When the Internet first put pages online, I was only 10. I don’t remember much, considering I was pretty poor and could not afford to have the Internet. It’s amazing to see how far along we’ve come. This infographic by Online University provides a past and present view just how far we’ve come in terms of the advancement we’ve made in technology.

Think about it; How irritated do you get when the page doesn’t load quickly? Or when you click a link and it just sits there, with no action?

Aside from the advancements, it’s amazing to see what the Internet has done for us, especially economically.

We’ve been able to sell things online, create websites and have advertisement placements to help pay our bills and support our families. Nonetheless, this graphic really shows where we’ve come from. A true blessing, indeed.

The internet, Yesterday VS Today - infographic

Created by: Online University

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