Famous Bloggers

How to Win our Contest

First of all, we would like to thank our sponsors for being so kind to us, and we really appreciate bloggers who participate in the contest.

Now! Let’s get directly to the point!

We assume here that you’ve submitted your article and it’s already published on one of our blogs.

The first thing that you are required to do is to publish a nice post about the contest and add a link to your article. This will help you to reach your readers and friends fast! Ask them to read your post and add interact with you in the comments, tell them how to support you by spreading the word and retweeting your article.

Note! You must include the links of our sponsors in your post. This is very important as your article will not count if you do not publish sponsors’ links on your blog. This is how we was able to get many sponsors to this contest who sponsored a huge cash prizes (More than $4000 now!) – The highest we have ever seen for a blogging contest.

When you write your post, try to be creative as much as you can, explain why you’re participating in the contest, add couple of paragraphs at the beginning on the post, then add sponsors links. Do not just copy and paste from the internet!. Take a minute to write a short description about the contest and your feelings about it especially in the first paragraph because this is important for SEO for you and us.

A very important thing to know is that we will help you in all possible ways. We have a very strong and supportive community of members and followers who will promote your article, we will try our best to drive as much traffic to you as we can. We want you to know that you are not alone in this, but you have to do your part of the job!

If you feel unlucky or you are inspired to write another killer article, you are welcome to submit it to increase your chances of winning!

How to win – again in your post:

How to earn extra points?

We thought to provide more ways to earn extra points, every blogger has an equal chance of winning , so it’s all depending on how active you are!

To be able to earn more points, pick a website of our sponsors sites, write a good review and publish it on your blog or any other blog that has good reputation, don’e forget to include a few links for the sponsor site, let us know about your review once it goes live.

Remember that the earlier you submit your entry the sooner it will be published and the more time you have to promote it

How to link to sponsors link?

We have made this super easy, check our How to link to sponsors links using our HTML code! (link will be active soon!)

How we will decide the winners?

This is the most challenging part of the contest. To guarantee the most impartial judging we will contact expert bloggers from our trusted community members who are not participating in the contest. Each judge will give points from 1 to 10 for each article. Their feedback will decide the quality of each article and the total points will decide that portion of the score. Sponsors are not eligible to participate in the contest. (And many really miss participating so give them your condolences and thank them for their sacrifices of not competing for the largest blogging contest cash prize ever!)

Again, keep this in mind, judges will decide the winners!

Other important factors

Number of valuable comments (one point for each quality comment or reply)

It is very important to understand that poor quality comments such as (thank you, great post, and I like this article) will NOT be counted in your score. Only comments that add something new, a useful tip, answer to a question or offer the commentator’s personal opinion will be counted. The author will get a point for each helpful and supportive reply – bloggers can score a lot of points for being supportive.

Number of tweets an article gets

This is a popularity contest which means the more Social Networking power you have the better your chance to win. We will measure tweets simply by our tweet buttons, if you know how to use twitter and social media you will get a lot of tweets. Remember that you can Tweet your post every day or even more than once a day. This will guarantee you get better results at the end by the end of the contest.

Do try to reach a higher number of tweets with out spamming your followers. The best way to do it is to change the title of your tweet each time. Be creative when you do it to attract more followers to retweet your article. Each Tweet counts as one point. We are going to use Twitter button or Topsy button that allows readers to easily retweet your article at the click of a button.


Need to take your article to another level?

Learn from Kristi Hines! She won the first place on our last contest which we set $700 cash prize for it, this time we are talking about $1000 prize for the first place! The good thing is Kristi launched an ebook that has all what you need to win the contest and more! It’s highly recommended!

Click here to get your copy of the Ultimate Guide to Blog Post Promotion

Note: Again, we will help you promoting your article, so you are not alone in this, so feel free to contact us at any time!

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