Famous Bloggers

Download Latest Contributors with Images WordPress Plugin

Latest Contributors

A few weeks back I released WP Great Pens plugin, a simple plugin that adds a widget to your Wordpres blog (Works on blogs powered by Thesis Themes only), it allows you to display recent posts with contributors avatars plus number of comments on each post, the avatar image is linking to contributor URL he/she specify in profile Bio.

Latest Contributors with Images Widget

I got so many requests to share my other tweak of the code on the footer of FamousBloggers where it shows only the recent contributors images. I like to respond to requests as my blog readers encourage me to work on something useful for them, and I promised to giveaway for free.

It took me some time to make it ready by putting the code in a form of a WordPress plugin because I use pure codes in my Thesis Skin (not a plugin).

Awarding your contributors

Latest Contributors with Images WordPress Plugin

One of my main goals if to award our blog contributors by giving them more exposure and extra backlinks to their sites, if you would like to get this awesome plugin, go a head, I’ve tested it on one of my friends sites, also he is using Thesis Theme, I didn’t test it with other themes rather than Thesis Theme, I don’t think it will work, but you can get it work with any WordPress Theme if you made some simple tweaks, probably the part of including the CSS style in the HTML head tag.

Note: Latest Contributors plugin has no options panel, if you need to change number of contributors displayed on the widget, then you must edit the wp_latest_contributors.php file, find the number “36” and change it to preferred number of images you would like to display. Also this plugin display only registered users with role “contributor”, you may change that if you would like it to show another role or members. (I don’t think I will work anymore on this plugin soon as I am working on other stuff)

Some news to share with you!

Probably you have heard about my Thesis Skins project, it’s a membership site for Thesis Skins, I have a special offer that will give you 4 different Skins at only $29.99 plus support, this offer will end at 25 of Oct 2010, and it will never be the same again! I will come up with different price, and also different way of selling. So, it’s recommended you join my membership site today, then get all the special stuff I am making when ever it’s ready. Also there is an affiliate program with 50% commission if you would like to promote the site and make some money together.

Plugin installation!

As simple as any other WordPress plugin! no extra work, just extract the file and FTP it’s content to your wp-content/plugins folder

Read Before you download WP “Recent Contributors” plugin!

Pay attention plz, this plugin works and tested on blogs that uses Thesis Theme, some parts of the code may not work on your blog if you are not using Thesis!

So PLZ be careful with that! you still can download the plugin and check it out, maybe you can modify it to work on your own blog theme. I appreciate it if you share your version or modifications with us!

Note: Probably you will get this warning message after activating the plugin:

The plugin generated 2 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

Download Plugins here:

Download require signup to ThesisAwesome.com free Thesis Skins and plugins download center.

Click here to Download Plugins

Enjoy, and don’t forget to review or give some linkback to this post if you like the plugin!

Also, check out the new Skins for Thesis 2.0.

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