Famous Bloggers

BloKube.com Search Engine Marketing and Blogging News Bookmarking Site

Search Engines Marketing

It’s common these days that bloggers are more attracted to new born social bookmarking sites as they didn’t have enough luck with other monster bookmarking sites like Digg, and it’s kind of hard to feel the soul of community. There is why I am with -recommending- new site like BloKube.com.

BloKube.com is created by my friend Devesh of TechNShare.com, a fast growing multi-authors blog.

I know Devesh as a very dedicated blogger who supports the blogging community, he is one of the most smartest bloggers I’ve met with during the last year of my blogging  journey, and probably this explains why I am recommending a new social bookmarking and voting site such as BloKube.com.

Why BloKube.com?

Before I tell you why you should be part of BloKube.com, I want to give you a hint about Devesh, (this guy can run online communities), and the main reason you should join his community.

Another reason to join new social bookmarking and new sites is to be an early bird, usually those who join earlier, they enjoy the benefit of the site more than others! How? simply because they are the first, and the first here means your still can gain amazing relationships as you will find someone who listen and responds to you always, plus the first members are the favorite for the site owner and the other members, and I am sure this site will grow because I know Devesh and I know how much he is dedicated to his work!

And talking BloKube.com, from the visit site you will notice it’s a Search Engines Marketing and Blogging News website.

Which platform?

BloKube.com is powered by Pligg, this means a lot of features are available, tools and more flexibility for future development of the site!

Vote Buttons, Badges?

blokube.com vote buttons

BloKube.com has a set of nice looking Vote Buttons as you can see. The blue color give it a more serious looking. Although it doesn’t has a plugin for WordPress yet, and I think this is something to be developed in the future as WordPress plugins always makes it easy for anyone who don’t have any coding experience to install the voting buttons, and it could be done without touching the theme files and be involved in codes.

Categories and Topics

It’s very clear to members which kind of topics they should submit to the site, a set of interest for bloggers and marketer like:

Search Engines Marketing and Blogging News
  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Link Building
  • Making Money Online
  • Business
  • Web Design
  • Marketing
  • Professional writting
  • Web Traffic
  • Web Hosting
  • Websites
  • Domain Names
  • Entrepreneurship
  • PPC
  • SEM
  • Searching
  • Usability
  • Affiliates
Wow! This is a large set of categories that can fit a lot of topics, I would go to minimize these categories, to only 5 or 6 categories then add sub categories if needed. Why? I think because we are living in the ( age of specialism) if bookmarking sites are more niche focused then it will grow more faster than those with several open categories.

The BloKube Blog

BloKube.com also has it’s own WordPress blog, it’s a nice (must) add, and I suggest publishing some weekly roundups from the community submissions, give more backlinks to bloggers who are active on the social bookmarking site and pick hot topics from the main page or a particular category. So, it’s a Search Engines Marketing and Blogging News Blog, cool!

The only advice I see a must here is getting a new blog design or skin that goes with the original design of the social bookmarking site, it’s preferred if the blog has the exact layout and design, especially that the blog setup is on a sub-domain name from the main domain name (BloKube.com).

Just one more important thing about Social Bookmarking sites

I see a lot of people who participate in social bookmarking sites and create new account just to submit their links, then never look around or vote for articles, and I must say that this hit and run strategy is not good! The voting system is created for a reason, and if a site has a voting system then why not using it? at least you will help visitors to decide which article to pass and which articles the should really read and enjoy!

So, if you are looking for a new social bookmarking sites to part of, go a head and visit BloKube.com, and let me know what you think about it! and as I’ve told you before.. The early members or any social site are the one who will get most benefit of it and build great relations, and as I know.. anyone who runs a community site will love hearing feedback! So.. let’s hear some opinions!

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