Famous Bloggers

Blog Visitors and Readers, What do you Know About Them

Blog Readers and Visitors

As a blogger, ask yourself these questions below:

These are some really important questions to ask yourself and you must know the answer to them if you want your blog to be successful.

In this post I will help you to answers the questions mentioned above.

Where your traffic is coming from?

This is a very simple question to answer if you have Google Analytics tracking code installed on your blog. You do this by simply logging into your Google Analytics account, select view report, and then go to the traffic source overview. View the traffic source overview report. You will see where all your traffic is coming from.

Do you know where they are going?

You can find this out by using the WP-Stats plugin. I use this to see where my visitors go after leaving my blog.

If your visitors are leaving your blog to other sites then you would no doubt want to patch up this “loop whole” and keep the visitors in your blog. You would also like to drive some of these visitors to your affiliate links and hope to generate some sales.

What do they want from your blog?

This is the easiest question to answer. If you have a site about dog training this means your visitors want dog training tips. If you have a site about recipe this means your visitors want some cooking tips to fix up a great meal.

Develop good writing technique to deliver unique and quality content to your readers to satisfy your readers appetite.

In Conclusion

Now that we have answered these questions, share with us, what are you doing to get traffic to your blog?
What are you doing to keep traffic on your blog?

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