Famous Bloggers

Are you welling to Continue Participating in SponsoredReviews after Increase of Transaction Rate

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If you are using SponsoredReviews service, then maybe you will not be happy with the new change in the transaction rate of their paid reviews system, the transaction rate has been increased by 15% from 35% to 50%, which means you share is not 65% of the review payment, it’s now (50% versus 50%). SponsoredReviews claimed that this increase in the transaction rate is to allow them to expand the functionality of their software as well as grow marketing and sales efforts in order to increase the number of opportunities available to bloggers.

For Bloggers

The increase will take effect on January 13th, 2010. This increase will not affect previously made bids, your previous bids will continue to pay 65%.

This is a notice I received by email from SponsoredReviews through their newsletter, they are asking all bloggers members (If necessary) to make any required adjustments to your blog prices and new bids in order to compensate for the increased transaction fees.

For Advertisers

From the other side SponsoredReviews advertisers is given a 20% discount as encouragement to make bulk purchases, the plan is to have a large effect on the number of paying opportunities available to all bloggers.

So.. after you heard this news, what do you think of this change in transaction rate?

Are you welling to continue participating in SponsoredReviews system?

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