Famous Bloggers

AllTop.com Blogs Selected by Famous Bloggers

AllTop.com Blogging

I have submitted FmaousBloggers.net a few month back to Alltop.com under blogging, it’s always good to be in a good company as we are listed now with the top blogs, and I really encourage you to submit your blog to their site hopefully you got approved and join us.

I have decided to use the option they give to us and created a very nice page for Famous Bloggers at Alltop.com, this page has only the sites I recommend because I know those bloggers, and most of them are my friends and active members or our community.

Why I didn’t list the other top & influence blogs?!

I really want to say talk about this because I think it’s a very important matter, as some of you will think “Why I didn’t list the other top influence blogs in the blogging niche?!“, if you know me then probably you know the answer to this question, but let me answer it for those who don’t know our goals at FamousBloggers.net!

I didn’t list the top niche blogs because why I have to do that while there are others in our blogging community who need to be mentioned, there is others who need to get notice, and really need more attention in the blogosphere, those who are working so hard to reach some point or level and take a place next to the top niches blogs, and I am sure that some of them will succeed on that, and probably we will hear about them soon!

I don’t like to list the top blogs that they are already on the top because I think they don’t need me to do that, and they are already mentioned thousands of time here and there and everywhere, also why I will list someone who don’t actually known?!

15 Blogs To Follow If You Want To Kick Ass Online

I really like to thank a dear friend who I met on Twitter and through the comment sections of our blogs a few months back, someone who really kick ass in the social media world, he have made a list of 15 Blogs To Follow If You Want To Kick Ass Online, and I love his list a lot because it’s one of my favorite kind. (check it out and you will know what I mean!)

I must say that Francisco Rosales @socialmouths was very picky while creating that awesome list of blogs at SocialMouths, the list has a group of familiar blogs, around 80% of those blogs in his list are growing blogs that should be introduced to new readers and they need a push from everyone in the blogging community to jump to the next level!

I really feel sick when I land on a list blog post that lists only the top and well known blogs and forget about those blogs who are growing or in the making!


Kikolani.com is founded by Kristi Hines @kikolani , and it’s well known blog in the social media and blogging world, I am sure that most of you knows how valuable content is produced on this blog. Kristi is also a very active member of our blog team at FamousBloggers.net, and she writes for several popular blogs as well, you know.. there is a few bloggers who can force you to visit their blogs because of the content they provide, and others who are able to make you follow them where ever they go! Kristi can do both things!


Harsh Agrawal the founder of ShoutMeLoud.com @Shoutmeloud, one of the most dedicated persons I ever know in the blogging world, he have enough experience with blogging, Marketing and SEO that speaks loud, and it’s so clear that Harsh has created a very powerful blog and he is taking a good place between bloggers, and what I really like about ShoutMeLoud.com is the daily fresh content, Harsh even publish more than one article in one single day some times! Harsh and I have a very good relationship, and we are looking forward to work together in the future!


A 16 year old entrepreneur that you will really like to connect with him @entrepreneurpro, I met Benjamin Lang online for the first time when I interviewed him back in Dec 2009 -probably I didn’t talk about this before- I was in Egypt at that time and I got so very excited when I got his reply to my email, I have published my interview with Ben Lang with a feeling that I am adding something valuable to our Famous Blogger Club! Me and Ben still having a good connection and supporting each other. I see him as a talented young business man.


It’s hard to find respectful people online, but Antti Kokkonen @Zemalf is a great example of respect, he is that kind of down to earth people that never claim any experiences, but his blog says something else about his skills as a blogger, there is tons of useful content on the Zemalf.com most of it related to WordPress optimization and SEO, I even followed some of his articles while I was designing FamousBloggers.net because it was providing the only working codes I was needing! Antti also is a good person to connect with, even we didn’t talk for some time but I have him in my mind all the time, and I was glad to see his blog listed on AllTop.com, it’s good chance to say Hi Antti 🙂


Sushant Risodkar known as Typhoon a very talented your blogger who shares his experiences in the making money online world, he created a very solid full of life blog at SmartBloggerz.com @smartbloggerz, you can see that clearly by looking into several guest bloggers who are contributing for his blog!


Kiesha Easley @krenee76 is doing amazing job managing WeBlogBetter.com, I have an awesome blogging relationship with Kiesha and we really like to support each other, and I must say that I am learning a lot from her. I remember she has wrote a new e-book that will help newbies and makes them happy with their blogs and blogging, it’s called “Step by Step Guide for a Better Blog” so.. If you are starting your blogging life, need advice or trying to find inspiration, then you must get this full of detailed step by step 40 pages guide to create a better blog.  You can download and read a review copy from the e-book, you will find a 20% discount inside!

That was my Top list of blogs

Yes! That was my list of top blogs on AllTop.com, and yes they are on top of this blog and I find hard time following them 🙂

I am going to visit and promote this list more often, and I will add a special button on our Very Hot sidebar linking to it!

Of course it can expand at any time, so.. if your blog is listed then why not create a list like that one and include your top blog on it, of course it would be awesome if you added FamousBloggers.net to your list, then let me know, I will then add your blog!

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