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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Managed WordPress Hosting

There is a constant growth in the popularity of managed WordPress hosting. You need to consider the option because it might be exactly what you need right now but most people today do not actually know what this type of hosting actually is.

The first thing that you will surely notice is the fact that the price tags are higher. A common shared hosting package that you can use to install WordPress can even cost just $3 per month. Professional managed WordPress hosting from specialized providers like WPEngine cost between $29 and over $250 per month. A regular managed hosting server like the one offered by Single Hop is a little cheaper but does not have the features associated with WordPress specialized hosting providers.

Why is there such a big difference between the price tags? Is it important to get managed WordPress hosting for the sites that you run? These are questions that are really common and in order to answer them, you have to understand the advantages and disadvantages of using such a hosting option. However, first we need to understand exactly what managed WordPress hosting is.

Managed WordPress Hosting Explained

The huge number of sites that run on WordPress basically led towards various hosting providers offering this specialized package. In the event that you have a lack of technical skills, the regular shared hosting option is one that will bring in a lot of hassle as the website grows. In this case you have to worry a lot about updates, security, site loading speed and a lot of other factors.

The business owner basically has 2 options. Hire system administrators that would manage sites and cost a lot of money or opt for a managed WordPress hosting package, which basically means that together with the space you also gain access to management services.

There are virtually no technical hassles that you would need to deal with. The main focus of your business can be put on what actually generates profits. In the event that you have a very small business or a site that has a lot of traffic, it is one option that you should consider.

Managed WordPress Hosting Advantages

1- Fast Servers – When you opt for such a service, the server will be configured especially for the script. This means that speed is impressive and the site can handle large traffic volume.

2- Constant Backups – Most of the managed WordPress hosting providers offer daily backups, which is exactly what you need if you have a large site.

3- Zero Downtime And Automatic Updates – You do not want your site to go down and this never happens. Also, when new versions of plugins or of WordPress appear, they will be installed instantly.

4- Increased Security – These packages make your WordPress site hacker proof. The security protocols that are used and installed are always the latest on the market.

5- High Quality Support – Most of the web hosting support teams do not specialize in WordPress. With the managed WordPress hosting packages, the people that you will talk to can offer valuable intel and advice on what you should use and should not use.

Managed WordPress Hosting Disadvantages

1. Higher Costs – As you surely already realized, managed WordPress hosting costs quite a lot more when compared with regular shared hosting. In one year you would pay around $50 for the minimum shared option and with the minimum managed option the costs are of around $350. This difference might be too much for the average blogging platform user. However, if we have a system admin that needs to be paid a salary, this is definitely something that has to be taken into account.

2. Lack Of Control – Another person manages technical aspects so you cannot actually control everything that would be changed. While that is definitely the point for most people that opt for such a service, in the event that you do have a lot of technical knowledge and you want to control absolutely everything, you will not want someone else to manage the server.

3. Limitations – You can only run a site that is based on WordPress. Not all plugins can be run because the shared hosting provider will basically eliminate all the plugins that would slow down everything. This is not a bad thing because you will always have a site that runs at peak speed but there are situations in which you will be stressed by the fact that the provider does not want to install something you might need.

Should You Opt For Managed WordPress Hosting?

Complete beginners do not actually need to invest in managed WordPress hosting packages. Normal hosting is usually the best option in this case. In the event that you want to be completely hassle free or you need specialized support, managed WordPress hosting is definitely the best available option for you. The option is usually preferred by small businesses or by websites that do have a lot of traffic. All is based on personal needs.

To put it really simple, in the event that the website that you run is actually your business and you cannot afford problems, the extra dollars you will spend are those that will make the difference. All is basically based on the quality-value ratio. Shared hosting is meant for those that need low costs.

If you decide that you need managed WordPress hosting, make sure that you consider all the options that are available on the market. Compare the different options and always analyze the various features that are offered together with the reputation of the company behind the web site.

If you believe that shared hosting is not enough but managed WordPress hosting is not at all something that you want due to the fact that you want complete control, you have to use VPS or dedicated servers.

Only consider this if you have the necessary budget for such a large investment.

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